She was lapping up the rays poolside at Hollywood's trendy
Roosevelt hotel just a day before she announced her engagement on
And it's possible her overjoyed mood could have been down to them getting engaged that day.

The future husband and wife couldn't keep their hands off each other as
they partied away at Hollywood's trendy Roosevelt hotel

nothings: The former X Factor reject has expressed her delight at the
engagement, just two months after she was dating DJ Greg Burns
Waissel wore a printed strapless bikini as she piled her dark locks on top of her head during the outing.
And she didn't leave Brad's side as he showed off his toned body in just a pair of shorts.
onlooker at the hotel told the Mail Online: 'They were partying by the
pool from about 3pm to 6.30pm on Saturday. They looked completely head
over heels for each other and were not at all shy in showing the world.

Celebrations: The 26-year-old singer was spotted dancing and drinking as she lapped up the rays