At the end out of last week I had a very nice package sent home from the company Mighty Leaf Tea. It contained a mass
samples (and some "whole", giant luxury packaging) with their various
teas. This was indeed a very exciting and nice gift because I love to
drink tea. (Is there anyone who not teöverhuvudtaget like, say ...?
I got about 50 pieces tepåsar
with different flavors. Some tea bags were green tea, or black tea,
white tea and herbal tea. Also got some "Detox" variants that surely
will come in handy sometime.
Some tea bags contains a little caffeine and other much. And some
variants were completely caffeine free. Good that you can choose, I
I really think that these teas felt
luxurious. The packaging is also also incredibly beautiful, and tea bags
are made out of fabric. You get pretty high expectations out appearance. Today was our turn for the first teacup,
And chose a green tea with tropical flavor: "Green Tea Tropical". Mamma
instead chose a different variation, and as exotic as she sometimes she
chose also a green tea called "Marrakesh Mint Green Tea." My parents
are two intrepid traveler, and she thought it tasted just like the tea
she and Dad sörplat in Tunisia!
Even before she came here on a visit so I looked once more at that
particular package, and thought she would surely like it ... haha! There
you are sure! 
Both bags are completely smelt wonderful even before we had time to use them. And they were really fantastically tasty both smell and taste wise. Really a lovely tea. These tea bags is enough to two
cups (4 cups total liquid) then you two can not really share a single
bag. This, we had no idea of when we were drinking our tea. Happened
to read this after the fact. But do you know the next time. The fact is
that one can "recycle" most teabags in most cases, too, if you want to
drink more than one cup.